Thursday, 19 December 2019


Long-distance running

Running and fitness are closely related. It is a very good cardio exercise.
Brisk Walking is not just running, but when your speed increases by 9 Km / h (6 Mp / h) or more, it is called running.
It is important to take care of many things during running so that you do not get an injury and get very good results. Gym in Dilshad Garden
Gym in Dilshad Garden

Running has many advantages like
·         Weight Control
·         Strengthens your Lungs
·         Prevents High Blood Pressure
·         Strengthens Immune System
·         Improves Bone Density
·         Increases Joint Strength and Stability etc.
There are many people who cover a long distance in one go, but there are many who get tired in a short time and their breath starts to swell.
If you are also one of them who cannot travel long distances at once. So today I will tell you some tips in this article which can help you to cover a long distances at a time during running.
Take care of safety first
If you take care of safety during running, then you can definitely travel long distances. For running you need a safe place so that you do not read into any trouble. If you are going to run on the road or park, then do not start running with headphones. This will prevent you from hearing traffic or other sounds on the road or park and you may have an accident or you may fall. Also, avoid running in the dark of night or fog in the morning.
Breathe through your nose
It is common to have some degree of breathing problems while running, but when these problems increase, it can be serious. If you have this problem only during running or cardio, then there may be reasons behind it.

·         Obesity
·         Allergies
·         Stress
·         Heart disease
·         Any other disease
Many people do not breathe properly during running, so they get tired quickly and are unable to run long distances. Actually less oxygen is required during walking but more oxygen during running. Therefore many people start breathing through the mouth during running and they get tired quickly. So always try to breathe through your nose. If you have more breathing problems, you can walk for some time to control the breath and start running again. Gym in Dilshad Garden
Gym in Dilshad Garden

Speed ​​maintenance: - When you start running, I can understand that you try to run faster than that. Though it may look good in the beginning by doing this you will start feeling tired quickly.
You must have seen during the marathon runners have to travel a long distance but they do not start running fast in the beginning. They start by walking and gradually increase their speed. This does not make them too tired and they also travel long distances.
Body position:-It is important to take care of the correct position while running. Always keep your shoulders in the Relax position. If you bend forward, the chest is shrinking. This can cause trouble in breathing and you will feel tired very quickly. So keep in mind that at the time of running keep the feet at shoulder level. Do not keep the heel on the ground while running, otherwise, the load will come on the knees. There should be a 90-degree angle between the biceps and the forearm.
Perfect shoes and dress:-Professional runners use running shoes during running which helps them. So always use running shoes while running because they are very comfortable in the case of cushions, which makes the running session better. If during the running, select anti-moisturizing clothes, which are not sweaty, then it will be comfortable. Never forget to do stretching before you start running. Gym in Dilshad Garden  Healserv also Provides 24X7 online appointment facilities of Hospitals for healthcare

लंबी दूरी की दौड़ रनिंग और फिटनेस का गहरा संबंध है। यह बहुत अच्छा कार्डियो व्यायाम है। ब्रिस्क वॉकिंग बस नहीं चल रहा है, लेकिन जब आपकी गति 9 किमी / घंटा (6 एमपीपी / घंटा) या उससे अधिक बढ़ जाती है, तो इसे रनिंग कहा जाता है। दौड़ने के दौरान कई बातों का ध्यान रखना आवश्यक है ताकि आपको चोट लगे और बहुत अच्छे परिणाम मिलें। दिलशाद गार्डन में जिम

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आपके फेफड़ों को मजबूत करता है
उच्च रक्तचाप को रोकता है
प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को मजबूत करता है
अस्थि घनत्व को बढ़ाता है
संयुक्त शक्ति और स्थिरता आदि को बढ़ाता है।
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