Thursday, 19 December 2019


Diagnosis of Eczema

The skin suffers from several types of infections, one of which is eczema. If a person is allergic to something, then he or she may have eczema and it may not affect the other person. Eczema is a common irregularity in the skin. Eczema has been increasing rapidly in the last few decades, although the factors responsible for it have not yet been known.
One of the many causes of eczema can also be that people are more exposed to allergens nowadays (certain protein substances that some people may be allergic to). This is also seen due to dust in the house and other chemical products in the office. In the last few decades, due to changes in the environment and environment, some people have started complaining of eczema. Excessive use of household cleaning materials, solutions, detergents, oils and other items that may be harmful to the skin, etc. can also be a possible cause of eczema. But if it is diagnosed on time, then its treatment is easy. Let us tell you about the diagnosis of eczema. Diagnostic Centre in Krishna Nagar

Diagnostic Centre in Krishna Nagar

Eczema is diagnosed based on the patient's condition
On the basis of symptoms:- To diagnose eczema, the doctor will first see the person's symptoms. The skin has swollen, red rashes and if these rashes are dry then they can be symptoms of eczema. Based on these, the diagnosis of eczema is made in the patient.
Family history:- Depending on the nature of your skin symptoms to detect eczema, the doctor may ask you for personal and family allergy history, infection information. If this disease has happened to a person in your family in the past, then other members of the household may also be affected. 

Surrounding environment: - The surrounding environment is also most responsible for eczema. Exposure to chemical factors increases the chances of allergy. If you live in an industrial area, you can also suffer from eczema due to the chemical coming out of factories. Based on this, the disease is diagnosed.
Skin allergy: - If there is an allergy to the skin, the doctor can diagnose eczema by examining the skin. If your doctor suspects that the infection involves an allergy, patch testing may be necessary due to various allergen-causing chemicals (nickel, lanolin, fragrance, etc.) 

Patient's condition:-To diagnose eczema, a doctor examines the skin as well as the condition of the patient. Knowledge of your surroundings is also necessary for its diagnosis.
To diagnose eczema, doctors only rely on the victim's condition and family history. Blood tests or any other laboratory tests are not done to diagnose this disease. If you also see symptoms of this disease, contact the doctor immediately. Diagnostic Centre in Krishna Nagar
Diagnostic Centre in Krishna Nagar

एक्जिमा का निदान त्वचा कई प्रकार के संक्रमणों से ग्रस्त है, जिनमें से एक एक्जिमा है। यदि किसी व्यक्ति को किसी चीज से एलर्जी है, तो उसे एक्जिमा हो सकता है और यह दूसरे व्यक्ति को प्रभावित नहीं कर सकता है। एक्जिमा त्वचा में एक सामान्य अनियमितता है। पिछले कुछ दशकों में एक्जिमा तेजी से बढ़ रहा है, हालांकि इसके लिए जिम्मेदार कारक अभी तक ज्ञात नहीं हैं। एक्जिमा के कई कारणों में से एक यह भी हो सकता है कि लोग आजकल एलर्जी के अधिक संपर्क में हैं (कुछ प्रोटीन पदार्थ जिन्हें कुछ लोगों को एलर्जी हो सकती है) यह घर में धूल और कार्यालय में अन्य रासायनिक उत्पादों के कारण भी देखा जाता है। पिछले कुछ दशकों में, पर्यावरण और पर्यावरण में बदलाव के कारण, कुछ लोगों को एक्जिमा की शिकायत होने लगी है। घरेलू सफाई सामग्री, समाधान, डिटर्जेंट, तेल और अन्य वस्तुओं का अत्यधिक उपयोग जो त्वचा के लिए हानिकारक हो सकते हैं, आदि भी एक्जिमा का एक संभावित कारण हो सकते हैं। लेकिन अगर समय पर इसका निदान हो जाए, तो इसका इलाज आसान है। आइए हम आपको एक्जिमा के निदान के बारे में बताते हैं। कृष्णा नगर में डायग्नोस्टिक सेंटर

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