Wednesday, 18 December 2019


Asana, the beginning of yoga

If you are completely new to yoga or starting yoga for the first time, then there are many yoga asanas that are necessary for you to learn, so that you can do them easily. Then whether you are doing yoga in a yoga class or home or doing yoga in your office chair.
 To perform these asanas, the body has to adapt to them. The beginning of these asanas is said to be of great importance to begin the yoga journey of a yogi.
 If you keep doing these asanas even for 5-10 breaths every day and leave, then these will help in preparing your body and mind for practicing other yogasanas.  Yoga Centre In Surya Nagar

Yoga Centre In Surya Nagar

Yoga Asanas for Beginners
Adho Mukha Svanasana/Downward Facing Dog Pose: - Adhomukh Shawanasana is a very important posture of yoga science. Yoga gurus and yoga teachers first teach those who wish to learn yoga how to practice yoga. The low-lying bronchial body gives good stretch and strength to the whole body.
Just like eating an apple every day, the doctor does not come home. In the same way, doctors and diseases stay away from you even by practicing downward facing bronchos daily. By practicing this asana, you also keep away from problems like stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia/insomnia.
Method of downward bronzing:
·         Lie on your stomach on a yoga mat.
·         Breathing, lift the body with your feet and hands and draw a table-like shape.
·         While exhaling, slowly raise the hips upwards.
·         Keep your elbows and knees tight.
·         Decide that the body comes in the shape of inverted 'V'.
·         During the practice of this asana, the shoulders and hands remain in a straight line.
·         The feet will remain in line with the hips. Keep in mind that your ankles will be outward.
·         Now press your hands down towards the ground.
·         Try to stretch the neck longer.
·         Keep your ears touching the inner side of your hands?
·         Try to focus your eyes on the navel.
·         Stop for a few seconds and then kneel on the ground.
·         Return to the table-like position again.
Vrikshasana/ Tree Pose
Vrikshasana is a great asana for beginners, standing like a tree and balancing it. This asana helps the yogi to increase focus and regain balance. During the practice of this asana, you learn to balance the breath and also balance the body on one leg. This asana helps strengthen you from the core.
Method of tree administration:
·         Stand upright on yoga mats in careful posture.
·         Bring both hands to the thighs.
·         Slowly bend the right knee and place it on the left thigh.
·         Keep the left foot firmly ground on the ground.
·         Keep the left leg very straight and normalize the speed of breath.
·         Slowly raise both arms upwards while exhaling.
·         Make a 'Namaskar' pose by moving both hands up.
·         Keep an eye on something kept away and keep balance.
·         Keep the spine straight. The body will remain strong as well as flexible.
·         Keep drawing deep breaths inward.
·         Let the body loose while exhaling.
·         Slowly bring your hands down.
·         Now apply the right leg also on the ground.
·         Stand as if you were standing before the posture.
·         Now repeat the same process with the left leg also.

Paschimottanasana/ Seated Forward Bend Pose
Paschimottanasana is the most important posture of yoga science. This asana is performed by sitting and leaning towards the front. By practicing this, the hamstrings, lower and upper back as well as the sides also get a good stretch. Paschimottanasana is the best posture for every yogi who has recently started practicing yoga. Yoga Centre In Surya Nagar
Yoga Centre In Surya Nagar

Method of performing Paschimottanasana:
·         Sit with both legs spread straight on the ground.
·         There should be no distance between the two legs and keep the legs as straight as possible.
·         Also, keep the neck, head, and spine straight.
·         After this, keep both your palms on both knees (Knees).
·         Now bend your head and trunk slowly forward.
·         Try to touch the toes with hands without bending the knees.
·         Inhale deeply and exhale slowly.
·         Try to touch your head and forehead with both knees.
·         Bend the arms and try to touch the ground with the elbow.
·         Release the breath completely and stay in this posture for some time.
·         After a few seconds, return to the previous poses.
·         Now inhale normally and repeat this asana 3 to 4 times.
Setu Bandhasana/ Bridge Pose
Sethu Bandhasana is actually the opposite posture of Adhomukha Shwansana. In the downward-facing dog, where the body is tilted forward. At the same time in the Setu Bandhasana, the body is tilted backward. This asana is considered best for those yogis who have recently started practicing yoga.
Method of Setu Bandhan:
·         Lie on your back on the yoga mat. Keep the breath speed normal.
·         After this, keep hands on the side.
·         Now slowly bend your legs from the knees and bring them to the hips.
·         Raise the hips as high above the floor as possible. The hands will remain on the ground.
·         Hold your breath for a while.
·         After this, return to the ground exhaling.
·         Straighten the legs and relax.
·         Start again after resting for 10-15 seconds.
Child's Pose
After doing yoga, there is a situation when the yogi needs rest. In such a state the yogis practice balasana to get rest and to relieve body fatigue. Balasana is the best posture not only of beginners but of yogis of every level.  Yoga Centre In Surya Nagar

Yoga Centre In Surya Nagar

Method of Balasana:-
·         Sit on your knees on yoga mats.
·         Touch both ankles and ankles.
·         Slowly spread your knees outward as much as possible.
·         Draw a deep breath and lean forward.
·         Move the stomach between the two thighs and exhale.
·         Widen the sacrum at the back of the waist.
·         Now try to pull the hip towards the navel.
·         Stabilize on the inner thigh or inner thighs.
·         Try to lift the head slightly behind the neck.
·         Try to pull the tailbone towards the pelvis.
·         Bring your hands to the front and place them in front of you.
·         Both hands will remain in the knees.
·         Try to touch both shoulders from the floor.
·         The stretch of your shoulders should be felt throughout the back with a shoulder blade.
·         Remain in this position for 30 seconds to a few minutes.
·         Breathe in slowly pulling the front torso.
·         Tilting the pelvis down, lift the tail bone and return to normal.

आसन, एक योग की शुरुआत यदि आप योग के लिए पूरी तरह से नए हैं या पहली बार योग शुरू कर रहे हैं, तो ऐसे कई योग आसन हैं जिन्हें सीखना आपके लिए आवश्यक है, ताकि आप उन्हें आसानी से कर सकें। फिर चाहे आप योग क्लास या घर में योग कर रहे हों या अपनी ऑफिस की कुर्सी पर योग कर रहे हों। इन आसनों को करने के लिए शरीर को उनके अनुकूल होना पड़ता है। योग की यात्रा शुरू करने के लिए इन आसनों की शुरुआत का बहुत महत्व बताया गया है। यदि आप हर दिन 5-10 सांसों के लिए भी इन आसनों को करते रहते हैं, तो ये अन्य योगासनों का अभ्यास करने के लिए आपके शरीर और दिमाग को तैयार करने में मदद करेंगे। योग केंद्र सूर्य नगर में
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