AIDS is a type of HIV-curable disease caused by the number
of its patients in the world till 31 million 2014, there is a lot of confusion
in the minds of people about this disease. For example, if we sit somewhere
with an infected person or eat food, we will not become victims of AIDS. Many
men and women still think about this disease even after sex. If you too feel a
dilemma about AIDS. By knowing about HIV screening through this article, you
can overcome your problems.
What is HIV screening?
HIV is tested to find out about a virus called human
immunodeficiency. This virus causes problems like acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome in a person's serum, saliva or urine. This virus can catch any person.
The main cause of this virus is heterosexual, bisexual, homo and sexual
relations, etc.
That is why a person is involved in all these things, then that person
must have an HIV test. Because the person can enjoy life for a long time by
changing his routine if the virus is detected on time. So friends, let us know
in detail about HIV test – Path
Lab In Vasundhara Enclave
ELISA Inquiry:- Through
the ELISA test, the immune system of the patient's body is checked, by
examining how the immune system is working against microbes, it is taken into
consideration. Through this test, you can also check the antibodies or antigens
of the body. Antibodies or antigens act to strengthen the immune system. It
works by stimulating the immune system against infection diseases rapidly. We
can get the ELISA test done in any government and private hospital; you do not
have to pay much to get this test done.
Western Blot Check: -
The Western blot and ELISA test are two blood antibody tests, also known as
ELISA. It detects the HIV virus present in the patient's body. It checks the
protein present in the patient's body. If there are signs of the HIV virus in
the protein, then the person's body is considered to be infected with the HIV
Saliva test: - The saliva of
the patient is checked by the saliva examination. The doctor uses a cotton pad
in the patient's cheek to remove saliva. Which shows the immune system of a
person? If the immune system is weakened by the saliva of the patient and
suffering from the AIDS virus, then the patient is advised to undergo HIV
treatment. Path
Lab In Vasundhara Enclave
Viral load check: - A
viral load check is also used to find out about the AIDS virus present in the
body. Through this test, the protein present in the patient's blood is checked.
If the protein present in the blood is found to be infected with the HIV virus,
then the patient is advised to undergo treatment.
Home investigation of
this disease: - A home check is also known as the Home Access Express Test.
To do this test, you can check the HIV virus at your home by purchasing a kit
called Home Access Express from any chemist's shop. You should use this kit
every two months. If you are HIV positive in this kit, then the process of
treatment should be started after consulting your nearest doctor.
Problems in this investigation:-The
patient does not face any kind of problem in the HIV test. If patients are
getting AIDS tests done by blood then you may have to face a problem like
dizziness. Apart from this, the patient does not have to face any other
problems. Path
Lab In Vasundhara Enclave Healserv
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AIDS एक प्रकार का HIV-curable रोग है जिसके कारण दुनिया में इसके रोगियों की संख्या 31 मिलियन 2014 तक है, इस बीमारी को लेकर लोगों के मन में बहुत भ्रम है। उदाहरण के लिए, यदि हम किसी संक्रमित व्यक्ति के साथ कहीं बैठते हैं या भोजन करते हैं, तो हम एड्स के शिकार नहीं होंगे। कई पुरुष और महिलाएं सेक्स के बाद भी इस बीमारी के बारे में सोचते हैं। अगर आप भी एड्स को लेकर दुविधा महसूस करते हैं। इस लेख के माध्यम से एचआईवी स्क्रीनिंग के बारे में जानकर आप अपनी समस्याओं को दूर कर सकते हैं। वसुंधरा एन्क्लेव में पाथ लैब
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