Monday, 23 December 2019

ECG Test

ECG Test

Electrocardiography is a type of test. By this, the heartbeat of the patient is flowed into the heart muscle by an electrical impulse. Electrocardiography, ie ECG, tells the doctor many things. Like
·         The electrical impulse of the patient's heart is fast, slow or irregular.
·         The function and shape of the heart are ascertained.
·         Heart muscles are detected.- Diagnostic Centre in Krishna Nagar

Diagnostic Centre in Krishna Nagar

ECG has to be done to check the stress test:- Sometimes a person has to face many problems even during the Vyayam. Doing more exercise can have a profound effect on our hearts. ECG is used to fix this problem. This test determines the stress test of a person.
ECG is used to detect heart activity:- Heart activity is detected by a Halter monitor. Through this, the activity of the heart of the patient is detected for 24 to 48 hours. During this test, the doctor finds out the problem in the heart of the patient. Halter monitor is placed on the patient's chest.
ECG is done for an event recorder: - There are some symptoms which sometimes do not even appear. An event recorder is required to identify them. The event recorder is also like a Halter monitor, but it records the electrical activity of the patient's heart when the patient encounters a heart problem. These symptoms are detected automatically.
How the ECG test is done:- It does not take long to perform an electrocardiogram or ECG test. For this test, the patient is first laid on the table, and then if there is a male, then the chest hair of the men is cut. Then a pad is placed on the legs and arms on the chest. The pads are connected to the wiring of the ECG machine. Through which cardiovascular activities are recorded. At the time of this test, the patient cannot talk about anything of any kind. There is no pain of any kind while doing this test. Before doing this test, the patient is advised not to apply any new lotion of any kind.
Loss due to
There is no harm of any kind to the body while performing the ECG test. The place where the pads are placed. There may be a problem of rash and spinning. If a patient has a stress problem. So he may have a problem like a heart attack during the stress tests. But this is not a problem associated with ECG. After this test, after finding out the problem of the patient's heart, the doctors start treating him. Diagnostic Centre in Krishna Nagar
Diagnostic Centre in Krishna Nagar

Some questions related to electrocardiogram
·         While performing the electrocardiogram, the patient is given a normal electric current, so that the heart problem can be detected.
·         While performing the ECG test, the patient is electrocuted by the electrode itself.
·         If the patient's electrode is normal then the ECG test will come positive. This does not cause any kind of problem for the patient.
·         If the ECG test is not done properly, the patient may face many types of problems. With this, the problem related to his heart cannot be detected.
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