Monday, 23 December 2019

Cortisol Test

Cortisol Test

A cortisol blood test is done to check the level of cortisol in our body. A sample of blood is taken to measure the level of cortisol present in the blood. If you do not know about this test then you need to know. Cortisol is a steroid hormone released from the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are in the upper part of our kidney. Cortisol is such a hormone that affects every organ and tissue of our body. These hormones help us with these things. Like:
·         To relieve stress
·         Fight infection
·         Keep blood sugar in balance
·         Maintain blood pressure correct
·         Maintaining Metabolism
In this test, the level of cortisol is tested through blood, urine, and the saliva of sputum. Blood tests are a very common method to test cortisol. If cortisol is too high or too low, it means that there is a problem with your adrenal glands. If its treatment is not administered at the right time, these problems can be serious. Path Lab In Vasundhara Enclave
Path Lab In Vasundhara Enclave

Why is the cortisol a blood test is done?
A cortisol test is performed to check the problems present in the adrenal gland. They also include Cushing's syndrome. Cushing's syndrome is a condition in which our body starts making too much cortisol. In addition, when our body is unable to make enough cortisol, that condition is called Addison disease.

The symptoms of Cushing's syndrome are as follows
·         Obesity
·         High blood pressure
·         Excess blood sugar
·         Purple stripes on belly
·         Bruised skin
·         Weak muscles
·         Women may have irregular menstruation or may have more hair on their face
Preparation before the test
The level of cortisol may increase due to stress. Therefore, you should try your best to take complete rest before this test. Avoid anxiety or stress. You will have to go to the doctor twice for the cortisol blood test, while urine and saliva tests can be done at home according to the advice of your doctor.
The risk:- Although there is no risk, you may have some pain during the blood test. When a needle will be injected into your vein. But this pain occurs only for a few moments. Apart from this, some people may also have these problems due to draining blood from the vein. Such as:
·         Excess bleeding
·         Blood clotting in the skin
·         Dizziness or faintness
·         Have an infection
Result: - If your cortisol level is high, it means you have Cushing's syndrome and if it is low, it can be Addison's disease or other types of adrenal disease. If your report is not correct, it also does not mean that you need immediate treatment. Sometimes infection, stress or pregnancy also makes an impact on the results of this test. Not only this, birth control pills and other medicines also affect cortisol levels. Consult your doctor for this. They can give you the right opinion.
If your cortisol level is not normal then your doctor may ask you to do some more tests which may include other blood, urine or imaging tests like MRI, etc. to get a good idea of ​​your medical condition and then correct it. Treatment can be started. Path Lab In Vasundhara Enclave 
Path Lab In Vasundhara Enclave

कोर्टिसोल टेस्ट हमारे शरीर में कोर्टिसोल के स्तर की जांच के लिए एक कोर्टिसोल रक्त परीक्षण किया जाता है। रक्त में मौजूद कोर्टिसोल के स्तर को मापने के लिए रक्त का एक नमूना लिया जाता है। यदि आप इस परीक्षण के बारे में नहीं जानते हैं तो आपको जानना आवश्यक है। कोर्टिसोल अधिवृक्क ग्रंथियों से निकलने वाला एक स्टेरॉयड हार्मोन है। अधिवृक्क ग्रंथियां हमारे गुर्दे के ऊपरी भाग में होती हैं। कोर्टिसोल एक ऐसा हार्मोन है जो हमारे शरीर के हर अंग और ऊतक को प्रभावित करता है। ये हार्मोन इन चीजों में हमारी मदद करते हैं। जैसे:

तनाव से राहत के लिए
संक्रमण से लड़ना
रक्त शर्करा को संतुलित रखना
 • रक्तचाप को सही बनाए रखना
चयापचय को बनाए रखना

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