Thursday 2 January 2020

Mouth ulcers


Mouth ulcer is called mouth ulcer. The soft and soft tissue inside the mouth, called the mucous membrane, blisters. This is often caused by the cutting of the cheekbone during eating or by eating too hot.  Dental Clinic in Laxmi Nagar
Dental Clinic in Laxmi Nagar

Causes of Mouth Ulcer

Constipation:-Long-term constipation causes blisters in the mouth. According to Ayurveda, blisters in the mouth are caused by stomach upset and stomach heat. Constipation is the root cause of this.

Bite of the cheek or tongue:-Many times, the tongue or cheek part comes between the teeth while eating something, due to which there are blisters. Such blisters are cured automatically by mouth saliva.

Side effects of drugs:-There are also blisters in the mouth due to the side effects of medicines. Long-term antibiotics are more likely to cause blisters in the mouth. Consumption of more antibiotics reduces the number of beneficial germs in our intestines, resulting in mouth ulcers.

Incorrect tooth structure:-Blisters are also present in the mouth due to incorrect structure of teeth. If the teeth are cross-skewed, pointed or half-broken and because of this they prick into the tongue or mouth or they are constantly rubbed, then there are blisters.

Treatment of Mouth Ulcer
·         Stop eating spicy and sour until the blisters are gone.
·         Drink plenty of water.
·         Rinse with lukewarm salt-water.
·         Always keep the mouth clean.
·         Pain killers can be taken if you have pain.
·         Apply antiseptic gel to the blister area.
·         Clean the mouth with mediate mouth wash, rinse. Dental Clinic in Laxmi Nagar
Dental Clinic in Laxmi Nagar

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