Friday, 13 December 2019

Vaginal Bleeding

Vaginal Bleeding Causes

Vaginal bleeding is a number of reasons; women are often hesitant to get treatment related to their secret organs and share it with anyone. But if the problem related to the secret organ is not treated in time. So he does not think the problem is serious. Which can have a bad effect on a woman's life? That is why today we are going to give you information about serious problems like vaginal bleeding related to women.  
Diagnostic Centre in Shahdara
योनि से रक्तस्राव के कारण योनि से रक्तस्राव कई कारणों से होता हैमहिलाएं अक्सर अपने गुप्त अंगों से संबंधित इलाज करवाने में संकोच करती हैं और इसे किसी के साथ साझा करती हैं। लेकिन अगर गुप्त अंग से जुड़ी समस्या का समय रहते इलाज  किया जाए। इसलिए उन्हें नहीं लगता कि समस्या गंभीर है। जो एक महिला के जीवन पर बुरा प्रभाव डाल सकता हैइसीलिए आज हम आपको महिलाओं से जुड़ी योनि से खून आने जैसी गंभीर समस्याओं के बारे में जानकारी देने जा रहे हैं। शाहदरा में डायग्नोस्टिक सेंटर Diagnostic Centre in Shahdara

Why does vaginal bleeding occur?
Normally a woman has to face a problem like bleeding only during menstruation. Every woman has to face bleeding during menstruation. If the woman is having this type of problem before or after menstruation. So it can only be due to latent disease. Bleeding before or after menstruation can be caused due to many reasons. for example
·         Due to infection
·         Causes of Menopause
·         Due to vaginal injury.
·         Due to hormone changes
Etc. Because of this too often problems like vaginal bleeding start to occur. If all these problems are not treated in time. So the woman may have to face a serious problem. So let's know. Detail about all this problem. 

Vaginal bleeding also occurs due to infection
Women also have to face this type of problem due to infection. Because of infection, the woman's secret organ has to face problems like rash and blisters. Along with this, there is bleeding from the secret organs of the woman, from which smell, vaginal itching, pink blood comes out, or thick and white leucorrhoea. If this problem is not treated at the right time, there may be a problem like a vaginal ulcer.
Vaginal bleeding causes vaginal bleeding
If for some reason, the woman's secret organ gets hurt. So due to this also the woman has to face the problem like blood. This injury can also occur during sex. If faced with this type of problem. So the woman gets relief by compressing a piece of ice in a clean towel and compressing the place. Keep in mind that if there is any such problem. So do not wear tight clothes at this time.
Vaginal bleeding may also occur during sex
There may be problems like bleeding due to many reasons during sex. If a woman has to face a problem like bleeding due to infection, changes in uterine cells or vaginal injury. If a woman had sex for the first time. So bleeding problems are normal. But every time you have any problem with bleeding, then you should contact your doctor. Diagnostic Centre in Shahdara
Diagnostic Centre in Shahdara

Causes hormonal changes
Many women have to face problems like bleeding after 15 days of menstruation. This is because a woman has to face hormonal changes. Bleeding due to hormonal changes has no effect on the body of the woman. If you are facing a problem of weakness due to this. So you can also consult a doctor. Sometimes hormonal changes also occur due to contraceptive medicine. Due to which the woman may have to face the problem of bleeding.
Also, occur during pregnancy
The woman may also have to face bleeding during pregnancy. If there is a problem of excess blood flow during pregnancy. So the woman must contact the doctor. Because extracting more blood, a woman may face many problems along with weakness. If this problem is not treated at the right time. So the life of the woman, as well as the child, can also be threatened. What causes bleeding during scuba diving?
1.       While scuba diving, bleeding can occur due to several reasons. Due to infection or hormone change
2.       What is the risk of bleeding after 15 days of abortion?
3.       If normal billowing occurs 15 days after the abortion. So it does not hurt the woman. But if you have this type of problem for several consecutive days, then the doctor must be contacted. Diagnostic Centre in Shahdara
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