HCG Blood Test
Human chorionic gonadotropin blood test (HCG) (HCG) measures the level
of HCG hormone present in the blood. HCG is generated during pregnancy. Your a doctor can also tell HCG blood test by any other name like:
Beta-HCG blood test
Quantitative blood pregnancy test
Quantitative HCG blood test
Quantitative Serial Beta-HCG Test
Repeat the quantitative beta-HCG test
There is a lot of difference between HCG blood test and HCG urine test.
The urine test can be influenced by factors such as dehydration and at what
time you do the test, while the HCG blood test also gives conclusive results
even when the HCG level is low. Path
Lab In Vasundhara Enclave
Why is a human a chorionic gonadotropin blood test is done?
To confirm pregnancy
To find out the approximate age of the fetus
For diagnosis of abnormal ectopic pregnancy
For a diagnosis of possible abortion
To check for Down syndrome
HCG blood tests are sometimes done to check for pregnancy before the
use of any medical treatment that can cause harm to the unborn baby, such as
X-rays. If pregnancy is confirmed in the HCG test, the healthcare professional
ensures that the fetus is not harmed during treatment. A beta-human chorionic a gonadotropin blood test is considered a tumor marker, which means that it is a
substance excreted from certain types of tumors. Therefore, in many cases, HCG a blood test is also used to evaluate and treat certain cancers. Path
Lab In Vasundhara Enclave
The healthcare
professional take your blood sample, for which he will take the following
A rubber band is tied in the upper arm so that
the blood flow stops and the vein is visible so that the needle can be easily
The place where the vein appears is cleaned with
A needle is inserted into the vein in which the tube is attached, blood comes in this tube.
The rubber band is removed after taking the
Cotton is applied at the place where the needle
is applied.
The bandage is applied from the top by pressing
the cotton.
What happens after a
human chorionic gonadotropin blood test?
Your blood sample is sent to the lab for testing. There is no need for
any special care after this test, if the doctor has not given any specific
advice, then you can start your regular routine. Consult your doctor if you
have any kind of question about the HCG blood test and to understand it better.
Lab In Vasundhara Enclave
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