Friday, 6 December 2019


Cystoscopy Test

What is cystoscopy? Cystoscopy is performed to detect recurrent infections in the urinary tract and problems with urine, with cystoscopes used to look inside the urethra and bladder. A cystoscope is a thin long optical instrument through which clear images of the urinary tract can be seen. In this case, knowing how to get rid of cystoscopy in case of urine infection, it can be very beneficial for you too, so let's talk about cystoscopy on the conscious today. Path Lab In Mayur Vihar Phase 3

When is a cystoscopy performed?
·         Recurrent infection in the urinary tract
·         Blood in urine
·         Inability to empty the bladder completely
·         To urinate more than eight times a day
·         Pain before, during or after passing urine
·         Abnormal sales such as cancer cells found in a urine sample
·         Having trouble at the beginning or end of urine pass or both
Not only this cystoscopy is also used to remove and treat stones or tumors from the urinary tract. Path Lab In Mayur Vihar Phase 3

How is a cystoscopy performed?
For cystoscopy, the cloth of the hospital is to be removed. A sedative is given one hour before the test, which makes one feel comfortable. After this, medicines and liquid are injected into the arm vein. For this, the knees are folded back on the table. The tip of the cystoscope is then inserted into the urethra and moved slowly towards the bladder by the urologist after the anesthesia begins to take effect. During this period, a sterile liquid flows from the cystoscope that fills the bladder and stretches it so that the bladder wall can be seen properly. The urethra and bladder linings are then examined. This process can take from 15 minutes to half an hour to complete and if the procedure is being done to remove or biopsy the stone, the time took maybe longer.
Care after cystoscopy: - In general, after cystoscopy, the patient can go straight home, but it also depends on the patient's condition and the effect of anesthesia, so doctor's instructions should be followed. After the process of cystoscopy is completed, the patient may feel problems like irritation or discomfort in the urinary tract which is cured within 24 hours but in case of severe discomfort, it is important to consult a doctor. Antibiotics and painkillers may be given in case of severe pain. For relief from irritation, one should take a light bath with lukewarm water and follow every instruction given by the doctor. Friends, now you know what is and how a cystoscopy is done and now you are also aware of which symptoms are required to consult a doctor immediately, so any problem related to urinary tract Instead of being ignored, become alert and stay healthy. Hopefully, what is cystoscopy aware that you will like this information and will also prove beneficial for you? Path Lab In Mayur Vihar Phase 3 

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